Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What's in a word

Mom: Bradly, where in the world did you come from?
Brads: A cow.
Mom: Well, where did Lorenzo come from then?
Brads: A tree.
Mom: And what about Jamus?
Brads: Um, a light.
Mom: And daddy?
Brads: The store.
Mom: And what about mommy?
Brads: A cow. Like me.


Chelsee said...

I laughed out loud when I read this. She is hilarious! I'm so glad you are writing these down. Classic!

Janae Walker said...

your kids always make me laugh! i love the both are girls, therefore, you both come from cows. as far as the boys.....who knows!

Nina said...

I LOVE IT!!! hahaha ... they ate so funny!!! I cannot wait for Connor to spout these things out! We cut his pacifier off and yesterday there was practically nothing left to cut off ... so when he noticed this he handed it to Sean, saying "Uh-Oh" :-P.

Fara Jean said...

Oh, how happy I am that you are having such adventures....
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy..., and keep up the journaling. This way we can all appreciate it with you.
P.S. What darling grandchildren I have.... yep, yep, yep...
Love, Mom