Thursday, November 6, 2008


In lieu of the "Voting" post:

If you know Chris at all, you know he's a Democrat, and you are able to smile and laugh at how cute this was for him... If you don't know him well enough to know that, then we hope that you will still be our friends :)


broken face and contrite spirit said...

so funny thing i was reading the "addendum" and thought it read if you know CHRIST at all...

I know i need glasses but when i finally figured it out i had to lauugh so hard.

I know Chris well enough to know he is democrate and that is fine by me i hope we are still friends cause you cant get rid of family that easily (ive already tried the democrate route all it seems to do for our more vocal republican relitives is make them more vocal? go figure?)

love you guys...and yes i may even believe that christ is a democrate.