I have to start recording the cute little things my kids say because as I have more of them my brain power is definitely decreasing. Unfortunately for me these are a few of the moments that show the mom-side of me that's not the best!
We were getting ready to head out and help Uncle Janson (just got back from his mission in France!) get some stuff done for school and jobs and such. I'm running around trying to get the kids to listen and get dressed and all that. I hear Lorenzo ask, 'where are we going'. So, I just say that we're gonna drop him and Brads off. Jokingly! He thinks about it for a sec and then says, "But, I'm just a kid!" It was so funny and cute, and yet, so pathetic.
So, we are playing with some little cousins who are kinda bullies and Lorenzo comes running to me crying. He's quite sensitive. And, I'm quite done with breaking up fights every two seconds. So, I tell Lorenzo to push him back. We have conversations like this about him and Bradly all the time because she is so mean to him and we are trying to get him to stick up for himself. So, it just comes out that I tell him to push him back. Well, we get over that and then later I try talking to him about what happened and what he should do. Actually, I ask him, "what should you do next time?" He's still a little emotional about it, but he says with a shaky voice, "push him back." I definitely had some steps to retrace on that one.
Then there's Bradly. As I'm helping her wash her hands she looks up and says with the cheeriest little voice, "Mom, I'm so happy! You not scary anymore!" Not that my yelling at her ever phases her in the slightest, but I'm pretty sure that was in reference to me arguing with her moments before.
I am certain I am not in the running this year. What a horrible mother!!!
1 month ago
Oh I can soooo relate! Being pregnant with my 3rd while dealing with 2 littles was probably my hardest time of life. Good luck! You're a great mom!
Oh, my. I have similar stories for sure! Fortunately my kids help me realize (like yours did with the rocks) that being a mom is worth it.
I read that you visited Utah! I would have loved to see you. Let me know next time you're around. Good luck with this new baby coming soon. Do you know what you're having? You're in the home stretch! Hang in there...
Have you read The Glass Castle? After reading that book you will feel like mother of the year. It is a great book that I highly recommend reading. And I am sure that you are an excellent Mom!
Those incidents sound all to familiar. Expectially the one from Bradley, when I look at my kids with the serious eyes and they say you are scaring me. I think you are doing a fabulous job!!!
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who scares my kids--and I don't have any excuses like yours!
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