Don't want to drink your milk after the cereal's gone, but don't want to waste it either? Well, don't you fret my friend... Here's how to recycle that sugar loaded leftover dairy product: Imagine the hilarity of finding this on the counter after breakfast! We always knew Lorenzo was "advanced".
1 month ago
Oh my, I thought you were serious at first. I was going to call you wonder woman cuz I sure as heckfire couldn't do that. It reminds me of my Grandma Allen, (we lived with her growing up) we HAD to drink our milk and if we didn't, we had to put it in a cup in the fridge and she would use it for cooking later. You never knew what exactly was in the meal... ;) So, Lorenzo, my friend, you are way beyond your years!
That is MY babygrand!
Love, Dramme
mmmmmmm, yummy!!
That is hilarious!!!!
That is so funny. What a smart kid.
I should do that! I never drink my remaining milk, but Tyson likes it. Maybe he would like my leftovers :)
Hey, love your blog!!!How the heck are ya? We miss you guys, Ellie continually tells me Lorenzo is on a trip and coming back soon. Looks like you guys are doing well. When are you heading out? Take care of yourself!!
i miss you guy, how about coming to dramme's and having a picnic party, kay? bring your blankies and pillows, and don't forget Jamus!
Love, Dramme
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