Friday, April 3, 2009

Red Square? Well, close enough...

As many of you know we have not yet been able to make it to Russia. But, since grandparents were here to watch kids anyway, Chris and I took a last second trip to New York City instead... While there we thought we'd make some comparisons:

Time Square vs. Red Square,
Central Park vs. Gorky Park,
Gershwin Theatre vs. Bolshoi Theatre

We'll let you know how they compare to the Moscow attractions when we actually get to see them. Until then, it's as close as we can get!


Fara Jean said...

Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy coollllllll....
I miss you. You look great! What a cute couple you are!!! I can tell you had a great time.
Tell the kids Hi from Dramme!
Love, Mom

Alyson said...

Oh how I wish we would have known you were here, we totally would have met up!! Wasn't Wicked great! I can not wait to see you guys again. Take care and be safe!!
Love ya,
Alyson and fam

Minwimm said...

Did you see Wicked?! I am so jealous, it is coming to Salt Lake but I am too cheap to pay 200+ for a ticket. Amazing how when you are on vacation the cash can fly and it seems like nothing but when your at home, every penny counts.

Looks like fun. I do love NY.